Aug 7, 2016 | 2015
The extraordinary story of how 2000 years ago, the ancient Greeks built a computer. A scientific detective investigation, set against the glories of classical Greece, follows a mysterious trail of numbers as a scientific team solves the puzzle of the spectacular...
Aug 6, 2016 | 2015
BEST SOCIAL BENEFIT DOCUMENTARY The gifted and different Twice Exceptional are geniuses, mavericks, and dreamers with learning disabilities are challenged to survive the American school system and their own eccentricities. They vex their parents and traditional school...
Aug 5, 2016 | 2015
BEST FILM India is a beautiful country besmirched by abusive mining operations and the corruption of those profiting from the mines. “The American Gandhi” is a drama based on real incidents tackling the issues of global mining practices head-on, with a...
Aug 3, 2016 | 2015
A cultural adventure that few will experience is exposed in this year-in-the-life of American teenagers born and living in Barrow, Alaska. Their lives will be set adrift by the changing climate and their endangered whaling culture as they move into adulthood....
Aug 2, 2016 | 2015
BEST SCIENCE FICTION FEATURE There’s a time and place for everything, except when innocence and guilt defy the laws of physics to occupy the same space at the same time. Time to make a change, hit the reset button, defy the laws of the universe. Knowing the laws...
Aug 1, 2016 | 2015
Ten minutes of your time with David Oaks and his wife Debra Nunez is ten minutes of tough realities overcome by David’s values and his unstoppable sense of humor. Producer: David Zupan Director: David Zupan Lead Actors: Supporting Actors: Writer: ...