Donate to EIFF
Your gift that you donate to the Eugene International Film Festival supports educational workshops and the exhibition of storytelling through motion pictures from cultures around the world. Saturday morning screenings are family friendly and help support programs for disadvantaged children and other social benefit organizations.
Schools, students, filmmakers and visitors benefit each year from the events and camaraderie of the Eugene International Film Festival. The festival has enriched the life experiences of people who participate in the arts and educational opportunities. Guests from Europe, Canada and the US typically attend the festival.
The festival is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) arts and educational organization and participates in the Oregon Cultural Trust program. If you are an Oregon resident your underwriting in support of the arts, heritage and humanities will qualify you for tax benefits through the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Famed Hollywood filmmaker Roger Corman states that the EIFF is “already one of America’s top film fests…and getting better every year.” Please donate today.
Donate to Eugene International Film Festival
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